Welcome to Year 2!
Year 2 is an exciting year at Barleyhurt Park Primary School.
In Year 2, our giraffes are encouraged to develop greater independence in their learning, reflect upon their own progress and apply their blossoming skills through interesting, cross-curricular topics which are ‘Beachcombers’ -autumn term, ‘Land Ahoy!’ – spring term and ‘Wriggle and Crawl’ – summer term.
In maths, our main focus is developing a good understanding of the value of numbers and how to apply this in a range of mathematical problems that involve money, time and measurements.
We stimulate our lovely pupils to use their imagination and writing skills to create fiction and non-fiction texts linked to our topics and their life experiences.
Through paired and group work the children develop their social skills and confidence, being able to interact, communicate and engage with their peers.
In conclusion, in year 2, WE AIM HIGH
WE GET SPOTTED because we are gorgeous Giraffes!