Thank you to everyone who donated money in support of Children In Need... we raised £203.90....Thank you


In nursery the children are encouraged to prepare snack and bake. We measure, stir, chop, mix, peel and roll to prepare the food and ingredients. Some of our favourites were our owl biscuits and pastry sparklers. 
In P.E we have been practising our throwing and catching skills with small balls. The children had to also negotiate space when finding a spot to stand on. We remembered our 'fruit bowl' hands every time we caught the ball.  
As part of our topic, 'People and animals who help us' we decided to find out how postmen and post ladies help us receive our post. We all created a card for our families, wrote our name and then walked to our local post box and posted it.  Our Mummies and Daddies were so pleased when are card arrived at our homes. 
As part of World Book Day the children dressed up as their favourite book characters. Throughout the day the children loved exploring picture books with props. The children loved drinking all the tea from the teapot and all the sandwiches just like the Tiger who came to tea! 
We have been sharing short stories form the Tales from Acorn Wood collection by Julia Donaldson. The children loved using pasta shapes and cornflour to make 'macaroni cheese', just like the character cat from the story, 'Cat's cookbook'. 
As part of our 'A greener globe' specialist week we thought about how  recycling men help us recycle our rubbish. We spent over 30 minutes learning about their job and what happens to all our rubbish! 
Just like the recycling men we met we sorted and recycled all our rubbish in our nursery garden! 
Mr Madeley is a Daddy at our school who helps us. He drives a bus, taking people where they need to go, One morning Mr Madeley took the nursery class on a bus ride around Milton Keynes. We saw the shopping centre, the library and lots of other familiar buildings. We loved our ride. Thank you Mr Madeley.
Helen is a police officer who helps us. She spent the morning with us, showing us her uniform and her police dog Luna. It was so fun trying on her uniform and watching Luna hunt for objects across the field by just using her sense of smell. 
The children have been talking about our change of season, Autumn. We thought about how the outside looks different, our clothes change, what wildlife do and harvest time.  We walked to our local shops to buy vegetables to make our own soup. The children peeled and chopped up the vegetables, it was delicious.! We had it for snack. 
At Barleyhurst Park Nursery we know the children learn through play. Everyday the children have the opportunity to explore indoors and outdoors. Come and see how we learn! 
We love to take our learning outside...whatever the weather!!